Welcome to the
Boulevard Oaks Civic Association
Web Page


Boulevard Oaks Civic Association
P.O. Box 540331
Houston, Texas 77254
Voice: (713) 528-2622

E-mail: boca@airmail.net







(Guidelines in pdf format)

The Boulevard Civic Association has created this document for the purpose of preserving the unique character of our neighborhood. We ask that you keep these guidelines and a sense of place and space in mind when renovating or building a new home, garage, fence or driveway. It is important for us to work together to guarantee that our neighborhood will be beautiful for years to come. The BOCA Seal of Approval will be awarded to projects that comply with these guidelines and special recognition will be given in our newsletter.

Please note: Deed restrictions do apply to your property. Restrictions vary among the subdivisions that make up the Boulevard Oaks neighborhood. Contact the BOCA office at 713-528-2622 for the name and number of the deed restriction representative for your subdivision.

It is also necessary to obtain a building permit before beginning construction. If you fail to comply with deed restrictions and/or to obtain a building permit, construction on your project can be stopped.


1. Respect prevailing setbacks and preserve open space in front lawns. The park-like effect of open lawns was and is an important consideration in the landscaping and development of historic American neighborhoods like Boulevard Oaks. Please do not build structures, walls or fences in front of the building setback line.

2. Keep curb cuts to a minimum. Circular driveways reduce space for street trees and turn front lawns into parking lots. Please consider alternate plans, using existing curb cuts and driveways for new construction.

3. Garages should be at the rear of the property. Where not feasible, garages should be incorporated with sensitivity to preserving the character of the street and the existing street trees. Consider the effects of your parking arrangements on the overall appearance of our neighborhood.

4. Please contact the BOCA Tree Committee if you are considering planting a new street tree. Street trees are those planted in the City right-of-way, between the sidewalk and the street. The committee can be reached through the BOCA office. A representative will explain which trees are appropriate for your street under the BOCA Master Plan to preserve the special character of our neighborhood, a project on which BOCA residents have worked extremely hard for many years. It is a violation of the law to plant shrubs and decorative trees (i.e., crape myrtle) in the right-of-way without prior permission from the City of Houston.

5. Protect all trees during construction! The City's Tree and Shrub Ordinance requires that all trees in the right-of-way be properly fenced to protect them throughout construction. Special care should be taken to protect tree roots out to the drip line. Concrete should never be poured near trees and no more than 2" of soil should be added above grade each year to prevent oxygen deprivation. Trees die slowly, so damage may not be immediately apparent.

6. Installation of sprinkler systems and replacement of sidewalks should not sever tree roots, which can kill trees. Before commencing such projects, please consult an arborist to ensure that trees are not harmed. Refrain from putting decorative lighting in trees and remember that it is illegal to do so in street trees.

7. Lots that are currently occupied by single-family dwellings or duplexes should never be subdivided. Historically, Boulevard Oaks is a neighborhood of single-family dwellings. Over-development will detract from the beauty, kill trees, reduce green space, add to neighborhood traffic, create parking problems, and diminish home values.

8. New homes and additions should be compatible in height with other properties on the street. Incompatible height can adversely affect the beauty and proportion of the neighborhood. For the same reason, garages with a second story should not dominate the house or adjacent properties.

9. You and your contractor are responsible for avoiding damage to the city infrastructure. Improvements and new construction can have unanticipated effects. For instance, sewer and water lines can be (and frequently have been) severed by private construction companies. Be aware of the potential for serious problems of this kind and ensure that you and your contractor avoid them.

10. For businesses, only monument signs are allowed.

Boulevard Oaks Civic Association
Board of Directors